These guys are my go-to people for wholesale X-ray products. We usually need the FUJI Blue Speed Equipment and FUJI Green Speed and I get it from them. I am impressed with their customer service. I am anxious most of the time about my purchases because I want to make the most of my money. But every time I transact with them, I am satisfied.
A friend in Louisiana suggested Wholesale Xray Film to me a few weeks ago. Kinda hesitant at first. I guess that’s a natural reaction. I tried buying from them anyway. I had no expectations that time mostly because I just needed to buy an extra T2 Hand Tank Developer from them. I am happy with what I bought though.
My search for a wholesale x-ray equipment supplier in Louisiana is over! I’m glad I found you. It’s great that their products are at wholesale. Transactions with them are always easy. I recommend wholesale Xray Film’s Sony Paper with 10 rolls per box. They have more sizes available than other vendors I tried buying from.
Just received my order from them today. I needed those blue speed equipment from Fuji. When I had questions after I placed my order, I tried calling them and they responded right away. I like their service and they really helped me get what I want. Thank you Wholesale X-Ray Film!
I heard good things about Wholesale Xray Film. A lot of our colleagues kept mentioning that they had the best x-ray equipment in Louisiana. I’m glad they recommended this company to our clinic too. They also sell good DR x-ray systems. We’ll definitely go to them for more in the future. I definitely recommend them.